Creating a legend

using MakieLayout
using Makie
using AbstractPlotting: px

scene, layout = layoutscene(resolution = (1400, 900))

ax = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene)

xs = 0:0.5:10
ys = sin.(xs)
lin = lines!(ax, xs, ys, color = :blue)
sca = scatter!(ax, xs, ys, color = :red, markersize = 15px)

leg = LLegend(scene, [lin, sca, [lin, sca]], ["a line", "some dots", "both together"])
layout[1, 2] = leg

example legend

Multi-bank legend

You can control the number of banks with the nbanks attribute. Banks are columns when in vertical mode, and rows when in horizontal mode.

using MakieLayout
using Makie
using AbstractPlotting: px

scene, layout = layoutscene(resolution = (1400, 900))

ax = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene)

xs = 0:0.1:10
lins = [lines!(ax, xs, sin.(xs .+ 3v), color = RGBf0(v, 0, 1-v)) for v in 0:0.1:1]

leg = LLegend(scene, lins, string.(1:length(lins)), nbanks = 3)
layout[1, 2] = leg

example legend ncols

Legend inside an axis

To place a legend inside an axis you can simply add it to the same layout slot that the axis lives in. As long as the axis is bigger than the legend you can set the legend's height and width to Auto(false) and position it using the align variables. You can use the margin keyword to keep the legend from touching the axis spines.

using MakieLayout
using Makie

haligns = [:left, :right, :center]
valigns = [:top, :bottom, :center]

scene, layout = layoutscene(resolution = (1400, 900))

ax = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene)

xs = 0:0.1:10
lins = [lines!(ax, xs, sin.(xs .* i), color = color)
    for (i, color) in zip(1:3, [:red, :blue, :green])]

legends = [LLegend(
        scene, lins, ["Line $i" for i in 1:3],
        "$ha & $va",
        width = Auto(false),
        margin = (10, 10, 10, 10),
        halign = ha, valign = va, orientation = :horizontal
    ) for (j, ha, va) in zip(1:3, haligns, valigns)]

for leg in legends
    layout[1, 1] = leg

example legend alignment

Creating legend entries manually

Sometimes you might want to construct legend entries from scratch to have maximum control. So far you can use LineElements, MarkerElements or PolyElements. Some attributes that can't have a meaningful preset and would usually be inherited from plot objects (like color) have to be explicitly specified. Others are inherited from the legend if they are not specified. These include marker arrangement for MarkerElements or poly shape for PolyElements. You can check the list using this function:

using MakieLayout
(:label, :labelsize, :labelfont, :labelcolor, :labelhalign, :labelvalign, :patchsize, :patchstrokecolor, :patchstrokewidth, :patchcolor, :linepoints, :markerpoints, :markersize, :markerstrokewidth, :linewidth, :polypoints, :polystrokewidth)
using MakieLayout
using Makie
using AbstractPlotting: px

scene, layout = layoutscene(resolution = (1400, 900))

ax = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene)

elem_1 = [LineElement(color = :red, linestyle = nothing),
          MarkerElement(color = :blue, marker = 'x', strokecolor = :black)]

elem_2 = [PolyElement(color = :red, strokecolor = :blue),
          LineElement(color = :black, linestyle = :dash)]

elem_3 = LineElement(color = :green, linestyle = nothing,
        linepoints = Point2f0[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)])

elem_4 = MarkerElement(color = :blue, marker = 'π',
        strokecolor = :transparent,
        markerpoints = Point2f0[(0.2, 0.2), (0.5, 0.8), (0.8, 0.2)])

elem_5 = PolyElement(color = :green, strokecolor = :black,
        polypoints = Point2f0[(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)])

leg = layout[1, 2] = LLegend(scene,
    [elem_1, elem_2, elem_3, elem_4, elem_5],
    ["Line & Marker", "Poly & Line", "Line", "Marker", "Poly"],
    patchsize = (35, 35))

example legend entries

Horizontal legend

In case you want the legend entries to be listed horizontally, set the orientation attribute to :horizontal. In this case the nbanks attribute refers to the number of rows instead of columns. To keep an adjacent axis from potentially shrinking to the width of the horizontal legend, set width = Auto(false) and height = Auto(true) if you place the legend below or above the axis.

using MakieLayout
using Makie
using AbstractPlotting: px

scene, layout = layoutscene(resolution = (1400, 900))

ax = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene)

xs = 0:0.5:10
ys = sin.(xs)
lin = lines!(ax, xs, ys, color = :blue)
sca = scatter!(ax, xs, ys, color = :red, markersize = 15px)

leg = LLegend(scene, [lin, sca, lin], ["a line", "some dots", "line again"])
layout[1, 2] = leg

leg_horizontal = LLegend(scene, [lin, sca, lin], ["a line", "some dots", "line again"],
    orientation = :horizontal, width = Auto(false), height = Auto(true))
layout[2, 1] = leg_horizontal

example legend horizontal

Multi-group legends

Sometimes a legend consists of multiple groups, for example in a plot where both marker size and color are varied and those properties need to be visualized separately, but still together in one legend. Each group's content is given as an array of elements and an array of labels, each within one collective array. You can shift the position of the titles relative to each group with the titleposition attribute, either :left or :top.

using MakieLayout
using Makie
using AbstractPlotting: px

scene, layout = layoutscene(resolution = (1400, 900))

ax = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene)

markersizes = [5, 10, 15, 20]
colors = [:red, :green, :blue, :orange]

for ms in markersizes, color in colors
    scatter!(ax, randn(5, 2), markersize = ms * px, color = color)

group_size = [MarkerElement(marker = :circle, color = :black, strokecolor = :transparent,
    markersize = ms * px) for ms in markersizes]

group_color = [PolyElement(color = color, strokecolor = :transparent)
    for color in colors]

legends = [LLegend(scene,
    [group_size, group_color],
    [string.(markersizes), string.(colors)],
    ["Size", "Color"]) for _ in 1:6]

layout[1, 2:4] = legends[1:3]
layout[2:4, 1] = legends[4:6]

for l in legends[4:6]
    l.orientation = :horizontal
    l.height = Auto(true)
    l.width = Auto(false)

legends[2].titleposition = :left
legends[5].titleposition = :left

legends[3].nbanks = 2
legends[5].nbanks = 2
legends[6].nbanks = 2


example multilegend