
DataFrameMacros.jl offers macros for DataFrame manipulation with a syntax geared towards clarity, brevity and convenience. Each macro translates expressions into the more verbose source => function => sink mini-language from DataFrames.jl.

Here is a simple example:

julia> using DataFrameMacros, DataFrames
julia> df = DataFrame(name = ["Mary Louise Parker", "Thomas John Fisher"])2×1 DataFrame Row │ name │ String ─────┼──────────────────── 1 │ Mary Louise Parker 2 │ Thomas John Fisher
julia> result = @transform(df, :middle_initial = split(:name)[2][1] * ".")2×2 DataFrame Row │ name middle_initial │ String String ─────┼──────────────────────────────────── 1 │ Mary Louise Parker L. 2 │ Thomas John Fisher J.

Unlike DataFrames.jl, most operations are row-wise by default. This often results in cleaner code that's easier to understand and reason about, especially when string or object manipulation is involved. Such operations often don't have a clean broadcasting syntax, for example, somestring[2] is easier to read than getindex.(somestrings, 2). The same is true for and getproperty.(someobjects, :property).

The following macros are currently available:

  • @transform / @transform!
  • @select / @select!
  • @groupby
  • @combine
  • @subset / @subset!
  • @sort / @sort!
  • @unique

Together with Chain.jl, you get a convient syntax for chains of transformations:

using DataFrameMacros
using DataFrames
using Chain
using Random
using Statistics

df = DataFrame(
    id = shuffle(1:5),
    group = rand('a':'b', 5),
    weight_kg = randn(5) .* 5 .+ 60,
    height_cm = randn(5) .* 10 .+ 170)

result = @chain df begin
    @subset(:weight_kg > 50)
    @transform(:BMI = :weight_kg / (:height_cm / 100) ^ 2)
    @groupby(iseven(:id), :group)
    @combine(:mean_BMI = mean(:BMI))

4×3 DataFrame
 Row │ id_iseven  group  mean_BMI
     │ Bool       Char   Float64
   1 │     false  a       19.0728
   2 │      true  a       20.4405
   3 │     false  b       22.097
   4 │      true  b       22.9701

Design choices

These are the most important aspects that differ from other packages (DataFramesMeta.jl in particular):

  • All macros except @combine work row-wise by default. This reduces syntax complexity in most cases because no broadcasting is necessary. A flag macro (@c or @r) can be used to switch between row/column-based mode when needed.
  • @groupby and @sort allow using arbitrary expressions including multiple columns, without having to @transform first and repeat the new column names.
  • Column expressions are interpolated into the macro with $. All column expressions are broadcasted implicitly to create a collection of src-func-sink pairs. This allows to use multi-column specifiers like All() or Not(:x) where the specified transformation is executed for each column.
  • Keyword arguments to the macro-underlying functions work by separating them from column expressions with the ; character.
  • Target column names are written with : symbols to avoid visual ambiguity (:newcol = ...). This also allows to use AsTable as a target like in DataFrames.jl.
  • The flag macro can also include the character m to switch on automatic passmissing in row-wise mode.
  • There is also a @t flag macro, which extracts every :sym = expression expression and collects the new symbols in a named tuple, while setting the target to AsTable.